Yes, IP Address information is less than 3 months old. Reverse DNS DNS records are used to determine witch IP address is associated with a hostname. A reverse DNS is to resolve a IP address to lookup what associated hostname for it. Dig The answer of a reply with the dig command

Find using the command prompt (Windows only) To find your hostname and physical address using the Windows command prompt: Open the command prompt by clicking Start > (All) Programs > Accessories > command prompt. Note: If you do not have access to the command prompt, contact your& IT department or someone with administrative rights to your machine to help you locate the information. Get hostname from ip address and vice versa in cmd Mar 14, 2020 Find your IP address - Mar 21, 2019 windows - Resolve host name from IP address - Server Fault

May 25, 2020

The host command in unix or linux operating system can be used to get the hostname from an IP address. An example is shown below: > host is an alias for domain name pointer The host command gets the hostname listed in the /etc/resolv.conf file by … How to get Networked Computer Name from IP Address on a

Windows 7 Instructions: First, click on your Start Menu and type cmd in the search box and press enter. A black and white window will open where you will type ipconfig /all and press enter. There is a space between the command ipconfig and the switch of /all. Your ip address will be the IPv4 address. Windows 10 Instructions: Right click the windows button in … Continued

Sep 02, 2019 · Given an IP address range, the tool displays all active IP addresses, hostname when applicable, ping response time, MAC address, and port count. These results are made actionable with an export function that supports CSV, TXT, XML, and IP-Port list files. A Netbios name reverse lookup might accomplish what you want more than than "hostname" which is a function of DNS and tcp/ip. nmblookup with the -A parameter returns device names as well as mac address. Try something like this: nmblookup -A Dec 07, 2018 · An IP address is a logical numeric address that is assigned to every single computer, printer, switch, router or any other device that is part of a TCP/IP based network. A hostname is a label assigned to a network that transfers the user to a specific website.