The Connection Per App setting allows you to choose which apps will automatically trigger VyprVPN to connect. It also allows you to choose which apps will bypass the VPN connection. This feature is currently available in the Android VyprVPN app, available via Google Play .

Configuration for Per-App VPN. Begin the string with either the whitelist or blacklist, and follow it with an array of app names separated by semicolons. The whitelist specifies the apps that will use the VPN tunnel for network communication. See Per app VPN configuration (iOS device policy). To assign a VPN connection to an app: On the menu sidebar, under CONFIGURE, click Apps > iOS & iPadOS. On the Apps page, click the required app. Click Show next to Settings and VPN. In VPN connection used by the app, select a VPN configuration. Per App VPN: F5 SSL The F5 SSL Per App VPN feature allows you to select which apps must communicate over a VPN connection. You can also specify whether the per-app VPN will automatically start when the app initiates network communications. Per App VPN Disallowed Apps. Specify a comma separated list of applications that should not be routed through VPN. Allow Apps to Bypass VPN Tunnel. Choose if you want the applications to bypass the VPN Tunnel. Set Active. Select this to make the default selected VPN Configuration. FIPS Mode. Select to enable FIPS mode for AnyConnect Per-App VPN Type (optional). If you are using per-app VPN to restrict which apps use this VPN, you can configure this setting. If you select Allow, network traffic for app package names listed in the PerAppVPN app list is routed through the VPN. The network traffic of all other apps is routed outside the VPN. Android peut lancer un service VPN lors du démarrage de l'appareil et le laisser fonctionner tant que l'appareil ou le profil professionnel est activé. Cette fonctionnalité, appelée VPN permanent , est disponible sur les appareils équipés d'Android 7.0 ou version ultérieure.

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You can create a per-app VPN profile for Android 5.0 and later devices that are managed by Intune. First, create a VPN profile that uses either the Pulse Secure or Citrix connection type. Then, create a custom configuration policy that associates the VPN profile with specific apps. Enable per-app VPN flag: Select whether to enable per-app VPN. If you don't enable per-app VPN, all traffic goes through the Citrix VPN tunnel. If you enable per-app VPN, specify the following settings. The default is OFF. Whitelist or Blacklist: Choose a setting. If Whitelist, all apps in the whitelist tunnel through this VPN. Per-app VPN. Many VPN apps can filter which installed apps are allowed to send traffic through the VPN connection. You can create either an allowed list, or, a disallowed list, but not both. If you Per-app VPN displays on supported vendors selected from the Connection Type field. Select Per-App VPN to generate a VPN UUID for the current VPN profile settings. The VPN UUID is a unique identifier for this specific VPN configuration. Select Per-App VPN to generate a VPN UUID for the current VPN profile settings.

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Enable per-app VPN flag: Select whether to enable per-app VPN. If you don't enable per-app VPN, all traffic goes through the Citrix VPN tunnel. If you enable per-app VPN, specify the following settings. The default is OFF. Whitelist or Blacklist: Choose a setting. If Whitelist, all apps in the whitelist tunnel through this VPN. Per-app VPN. Many VPN apps can filter which installed apps are allowed to send traffic through the VPN connection. You can create either an allowed list, or, a disallowed list, but not both. If you Per-app VPN displays on supported vendors selected from the Connection Type field. Select Per-App VPN to generate a VPN UUID for the current VPN profile settings. The VPN UUID is a unique identifier for this specific VPN configuration. Select Per-App VPN to generate a VPN UUID for the current VPN profile settings.